Dr. Anthony Aiello graduated from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College and holds an Honours degree in Kinesiology from McMaster University. He was a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and has been certified in several other disciplines, including: Active Release Technique, Contemporary Medical Acupuncture, Functional Range Assessment, Functional Range Release, Functional Range Conditioning, Integrated Assessment, Integrated Patterning, Functional Movement Screen, Selective Functional Movement Assessment, Titleist Performance Institute, and Graston Technique.
Dr. Aiello has a wealth of experience managing multidisciplinary clinics in Toronto and Ottawa. He is currently the Director of Sports Medicine of the Canadian International Hockey (CIH) Academy and is the Sports Medicine Advisor to Ashbury College. He has traveled across North America, Brazil, Argentina, and Taiwan teaching and presenting to many different hospitals, clinics, and individuals the benefits of kinesiology taping for athletes and patients. He has baseline tested over 500 athletes in multiple sports for concussion management and awareness.
Dr. Aiello has worked with many competitors of various skill levels including varsity, Olympic/Paralympic, and pro athletes. His professional experience involves working for Canadian Olympics events (wrestling, track and field), Pro Cycling Tour (Team SpiderTech), C.A.N.I. Athletics, two-time defending Canadian High School Basketball Champion Canada Top Flight Academy (CTA), Gridiron Academy, and Maverick Volleyball Club. He is also a former varsity basketball player.